AbTehnic Profesional

FISAIR – dehumidifiers humidifiers

FISAIR - dehumidifiers humidifiers

The name of our company, “Fisair”, comes from Physics of the Air. This name relates to the adsorption processes of our systems, which have no chemical exchange or deliquescent process. As a difference with other absorption processes, this one assures a long product’s service life.

Diphusair air humidifiers

Hygienic diphusair air humidifiers capable of high-precision relative humidity control of the air. Diphusair air humidifiers are easy, simple and very intuitive work. Air Humidity control products, with section-customized units, and more.

DF air dehumidifiers

DF Air Dehumidifiers has a large number of industrial materials and processes require dry air. FISAIR also offers a wide range of equipment, condensing air dehumidifiers, for dehumidification and ventilation of swiming pools and industrial processes.

HEF evaporative coolers

Dry air has a huge natural capacity for cooling by exchanging heat for water. Low energy consumption operating principle. The Fisair Selection Tool, for evaporative coolers it is a unique seleciton tool in the market.

FISAIR – dehumidifiers humidifiers
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